
About Us

ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT firm based in inner suburbs of Victoria Melbourne .Its is privately held growing customer based. It is formed by a team of experienced Professionals in the field of Design, Planning and Project Management with expertise of over 25 years in Industrial Green and Brown Field Projects, right from Concept to Commissioning.

As Indian Economy is growing, there is an ever increasing need of the experienced professionals to partner in the growth. Moreover an expertise in such a vast field is limited, and those available have their hands full.

We at ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT are committed to bridge this gap, and act as the extended partners of the Client, by providing most efficient solutions.

Our new venture - ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT will strive hard to provide comprehensive support to our client’s, thus helping them to focus on their core business, leaving aside all the Project related matters to be taken care by ADL TEAM

ADL has well trained team in BIOENERGY Product visit www.adlbioenergy.com.au some thing with nothing Right solution always !

To establish ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT as Masters in Design, Planning & Project Management by using latest technologies at optimum cost.

ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT– Masters in Project Design and Concept provider

To provide concept to commissioning services and beyond under one roof.


ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT principal Mission is to deliver service of the highest caliber; to actively contribute towards the success of our clients. Our company desires to foster long term partnering relationships with our clients.

ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT stresses superior results. We therefore apply hard word to effective strategies in ensuring the success of our projects. We understand that our success depends on close collaboration with our clients, to set objectives, develop analytical studies and conduct periodic reviews to measure our results against our objectives.


To establish ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT as Masters in Design, Planning & Project Management by using latest technologies at optimum cost.

ADL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT– Masters in Project Design and Concept provider

To provide concept to commissioning services and beyond under one roof.